Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chief Turns 60!

We had a big surprise party for Chief a few weekends ago as he turned the big 6-0!  Cheri, Callie, Allen, Clay, Josh and I someone pulled this off without him knowing.  It was one surprise after another that day - first Uncle Ed showed up on the golf course to play with Scott, all the way from Houston. Next, Clay walks up to Scott on the golf course!  Clay surprised all of us - no one knew he was coming until he showed up Thursday night at Callie and Allen's house!  After golf, Scott pulled up to the house and his friends and family were standing on the front porch to greet him!  Scott made a very dramatic entrace falling right out of the car in suprise, and finsihed off the night with a keg stand!

1 comment:

  1. such a fun family :) looking to adopt a soon-to-be-married 30-year-old?!

