Thursday, September 20, 2012

Potty Training!

I think we can say that we are 80% there with potty training!  We decided (actually I decided and Josh just went along for the ride) that we would do the 3-day potty training boot camp method with Libby. I wasn't in a hurry for her to be trained - I actually think diapers are quite easy, but she was so interested, I didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm!  So, we chose Labor Day weekend to take on the challenge.  I knew we really couldn't leave our house for 3 days, so I stocked up on treats, salty snacks to make her want to drink more and fun activities for us to do around the house.  She even got juice, chocolate milk and anything she wanted to drink! She wore only a T-shirt the entire weekend and we did our best to entertain our busy (and naked) little girl. 

She did great all weekend - we had maybe 2 pee pee accidents and one #2 accident, but by the end of the exhausting 3 days, she was ready to try out a school day in big girl panties!  Of course, she's so small, I had to order size 18 month undies online (which were still too big) :)

Tuesday was her first day back at school and she was in a new class.  To our surprise - no accidents all day the first day!  She did have 2 later that week, but we'll take it!  Our little Libby did wonderfully! 

 We had a great first day of training!  Here's a little dancing in the morning. Notice the full array of drinks on the table - we tried to keep her drinking so we could have as much practice as possible!
 Lots of Play Dough time, or as Libby says "I want to play Play Doughs"
 After her nap we decorated cookies. We had a few incidents with naked bottom and sprinkles, but other than that she loved it of course!
 Practice, Practice, Practice (Patience, Patience, Patience)
 Showing off her big girl undies!
 Watching some IPad videos.
 Caught! With her hand in the cookies!
 We got some creative activities off Pinterest - we made colored ice cubes and watched them melt in warm water.
 And made sculptures from marsh mellows and pretzel sticks
 And ate lots of treats!
And here's Mommy - at 18 weeks!


  1. Id love to bend libby over and butt fuck her insides hard till i cum in her


  2. Just imagine thrusting into her tight little ass, how amazing it would be to her her beg you to stop while you're raping her little holes

  3. kill yourselves, for the sake of mankind please die

  4. J'ai envie de la sentir à travers ma bite

