Wednesday, October 31, 2012

She says the darndest things...

Libby has been talking well for months now, but she has really impressed us recently - entertaining us with the phrases she uses, surprising us by the things she knows and catching us off guard with the phrases of ours that she mimics.  Here are a few of our favorites right now..

- Maybe later
- All day long (I'll ask if she was good and she'll say, "Yes, I was good all day long."
- Actually - and she uses it in the right context.  She told Josh that "instead of going to the pool, she actually wanted to go for a walk."
- Its ok, it happens.  I think she learned this one from the potty training!
- Silly Billy
- Hot Tamale! Whenever we say something is hot, she'll say "Hot Tamale"
- Mamma Cita - not sure why Josh taught her this, but it stuck!
- Goodness gracious - I can't believe she uses this one correctly, but it makes us laugh every time
- Holy Moly
- Oh boy
- That'll be fun - she says this about a lot of things - some that do sound like fun and some when she just doesn't have another comment. 
- Oh man
- You know that song?  This might be our favorite right now.  She starts singing a song and then turns to one of us and says, "you know that song, mommy?"

Libby also has some funny names for things.  She calls medicine "medicine man," she calls an American Flag an "Ameriflag," she calls chap stick or lip gloss or anything of the sort, "lips."

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