Monday, October 8, 2012

A Trip to the Zoo!

We took Libby to the Zoo for the first time and she LOVED it!  We talked about it the whole week before so that she would get excited and be prepared for what she would see!  It had been years since I had been myself and loved seeing it through Libby's eyes!  She was so excited she ran from exhibit to exhibit!  Chief and Cici joined us and we had the best day!  We got there early in the morning and covered the whole zoo in time for a picnic lunch and to hit the road before nap time.  Libby was so exhausted, she fell asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot (and I wasn't far behind).  This will go down as one of the best things we've done as a family, and we can't wait to do it again!

 Libby loved the "ephalents"
 We were shocked how brave Libby was with the giraffes!  She fed them lettuce from her hands - it was amazing and they were beautiful!
 She even did it all on her own!
 We fed the llamas too!

 Chief was brave enough to go into the bird house and feed the birds - Libby was a bit scared, but thought it was pretty fun!

 Where do we go next?! Libby helped Chief read the park map.
 Watching the gorillas eat lunch. Libby talked about them eating salad for days after!
 We loved riding the carousel!
An exhausting day!  Everyone took a little nap on the way home!

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