Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun weekend with our little family!

What a fun weekend we had in Charlotte- no big plans, just lots of family time! Josh, Libby and I got to hang out with the Granellis on Friday night for a casual dinner, then Saturday hung around our house, went out to ice cream and had dinner with Callie and Allen. Sunday was fun with water- on our deck and at Carmel. Love my little family :)

Friday night dinner with the Granellis- Jack is just too cute- and those beautiful blue eyes! Libby decided she was not going to bed in the pack and play, so 9:00 bedtime it was- oh well, she did just fine!

Saturday morning Josh decided to let Libby give his water belt a try and of course her new pink new balance completed the look :)

A little water in the face completes the look- Libby going for the finish line!

A trip to Yoforia- Libby loves frozen yogurt!

Give it to me already, Dada!

Water Country... our back deck has transformed and she can't get enough. This weekend she discovered the hose!

Off to Carmel- Cici's sister (also called Cici) was in town and got to play with Libby at the pool.

Libby liked playing dress up in Cici's hat!

Balloons! I was walking out of the store and a lady approached me asking if I had small children at home who may want the balloons- YES PLEASE! All I am wondering is why I looked like a mom of small children- was it the 2 6 packs I was carrying? :)

Libby and her cousin Dominic were greatly entertained!!

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