Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Things are starting to click...

Josh and I have just noticed in the last few weeks so many things that are clicking for Libby! All of these months of routine and observation are starting to come together and she's showing us how much she knows about her world! Here are a few of our favorite examples:

  • Wanting to use a spoon and fork

  • Trying to put on her own shoes, or Mamma's shoes or Dada's shoes. She really likes my high heels, although last week they ended up in the baby pool :)

  • Using a brush and comb - she brushes her hair, my hair and the doll's hair

  • Cleaning - Libby uses a baby wipe or a paper towel to wipe things off. Last week she spilled water on my shirt and started wiping it off with a baby wipe - too cute!

  • Dancing- all of my time dancing with Libby in the mornings and at night is paying off. We dance all the time and we both love it. Now she's picking up some of my moves, so I better be careful which ones I show her! We actually caught her "dropping it like its hot" this weekend!

In other news, Libby got a life jacket and tried it out in the pool this weekend. Now to get to the lake at some point...

For some reason Libby just loves loungin' on the fireplace- maybe we shouldn't have piled it so high with blankets and pillows....

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