Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A 4th To Remember!

What a wonderful 4th we had with family and friends. Josh, Libby and I had some great family time together this weekend- exploring Toys R US and hanging out together! We went to the Jones' annual pool party where Chris and Rikki and their little girls joined us. I can't believe the difference a year makes - last year Berkley was 2 weeks old at the cookout and we were counting down the hours until Libby joined our world!

Berkley Miller, Caden Miller and Libby- I still can't believe we got them to all sit together!

Libby's 4th of July ensemble, including checked bloomers, starry tank and Patriotic bow!

Another early birthday gift from Lisa and Ed Browning- she couldn't get enough of lounging in this chair - I think she knew she was the center of attention when sitting in it :)

When Libby was napping, her mommy took over her baby pool- why didn't I figure this out earlier- it was heaven! Then Libby came and joined me after nap time with Berkley and Rikki!

Showing off her Patriotic suit- I think she really liked it, she's been dragging it around the house for weeks.

She's still eating sand- are we going to get over this soon? :)

An early birthday gift from Cici and Chief - a sandbox, which Libby LOVED!

Mommy and Libby, July 4th 2011. And Mommy and Libby, July 4th 2010 - what a difference a year makes! I didn't even know she was a girl this time last year!

Finally, she spotted the one that she wanted - in the back of a shelf, so she just climbed on in, all the way to the back of the shelf to grab it - she shows such initiative!

Libby was very overwhelmed choosing a ball- she wanted them all and enjoyed figuring out how to get them out of the cage!

Can't beat an old favorite- although Libby wanted to push 2 popcorn poppers at the same time.

We've been so excited about taking Libby to Toys R US! We went Saturday to pick out Libby's birthday gifts and enjoyed reliving some times from our childhoods. Here are Libby and Josh ready to explore!

We started off our weekend with a trip to IHOP. There's a new one near our house, so we put Libby in the stroller and took a walk. She enjoyed her pancake, but overall, still not thrilled that IHOP was the best Cotswold Shopping Center could get for a new restaurant!

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