Friday, July 8, 2011

Birthday Eve - July 8, 2011

Its 11 pm the night before Libby's first birthday. I have been thinking about what Josh and I were doing at each hour of this day one year ago. One year ago we had been at the hospital for 6 hours and were relaxing in our room with the help of an epidural, waiting patiently, eagerly for our baby's arrival. I can't believe that at this moment, we didn't know our precious baby was a girl. We would know in just 7 hours that she was a girl - Elizabeth Nelson Jones- our sweet Libby girl.

Today, I have been a ball of nerves, of sentiments, of joy. I am crying at the smallest thing- Libby snuggling on my lap, her running up to me when I picked her up from school, Josh telling me what a wonderful mom I am, someone asking me what I was doing at this moment last year - I am a mess - a happy happy mess.

We have a lot to celebrate tomorrow and its all on my mind and in my heart now - our beautiful baby girl is healthy, she's fun and playful, she is full of personality, she is fearless, she's learning, she loves us. We're celebrating an incredible first year full of tiny milestones that were not so tiny to us. We're celebrating making it through our first year as parents and finding our place and our way. We're celebrating the little family that Libby, Josh and I have become and the larger family that have loved being a part of her life. We're celebrating Libby!

With lots of love from a momma who loves her baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. Happy birthday to Libby, and congrats to the proud, happy, strong, beautiful parents. Can't wait to meet her. Love you guys!

