Monday, July 18, 2011

Libby at 1 Year..

To document what you are like at 1 year, here are a few things about you, Ms. Libby...

How Big is Libby....

Height: 29 Inches (50%)
Weight: 18 lbs, 12 oz (20%)
Head: 45 cm (50%)
So, yes, you are tall and skinny, just like your Daddy! Here's a picture of tall and skinny Libby

What's Your Day Like?

7:00 (or earlier) wake up and eat breakfast - You still love baby cereal and oatmeal with fruit and eat it every single morning. You no longer have a bottle in the morning, so you eat a big breakfast! After breakfast you play until nap time.

9:30 - morning nap and then snack time. You like to snack on cheerios, goldfish, veggie straws, some fruit, yogurt.

11:30 - lunch - whatever they are serving at school - sometimes you surprise us- you loved chicken and dumplings!
1:30 - afternoon nap and then another snack and play until dinner

6:00 - dinner time! You eat almost anything now- not crazy about veggies, but you like all meat that we have given you, you love cheese and can't get enough, you eat pasta, hot dogs, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, and many more things

6:45 - bath time, which you still love. Your Daddy gives you your bath almost every night, then we let you play during what we call "diaper time". Then you get your PJs on and go to bed. You still have your bedtime bottle, which we will work on taking away soon. Mommy usually puts you to bed because I cherish this sweet time with you after being away all day!

Some things that we love about you....
1. Your Personality - you are so sweet and love to give hugs and kisses. You are social and love being with friends and meeting new people (except men at this point). You are a go-getter- you go after what you want! You have a little sas in you when you don't get your way :)

Very sweet...

2. You look like Mommy and Daddy - although, lately I'm thinking you look more like your Daddy. At 1 year, we think you have Daddy's face for the most part, but Mommy's eyes and hair. You have skinny legs like your Daddy, but already have muscle tone, which is amazing! Here are your cute little legs:

Like your Daddy...

Like Mommy...

3. You are soooo strong - you love to pick things up - baskets, your toy stroller, big toys- you always surprise us with what you can pick up. You even try to pull yourself up onto things with just your arms (I see a pull up record in your future). You even scaled the side of your pack-and-play when we were at the beach! We're already joking about what sports you will play. We both think you'll be a great swimmer and we're signing you up for swim team as soon as we can!

4. Your hair - you have the best hair! Its so long now and can go in a ponytail or pigtails. You wear a big bow almost every day (except when Mommy is out of town and Daddy's on hair duty). Sometimes I even have to blow dry your hair to get it to dry before bed. Recently you have been trying to comb your own hair - I think its a skill you'll learn very early :)

5. You love dogs - you are getting used to Buffet and he is starting to get used to you now that he eats the food you drop on the floor, but you LOVE Gracie! Gracie is Chief and Cici's dog and loves to play with you. She is so gentle with you and lets you snuggle up in her soft fur. You even play tug and ball with her. She eats your snack from your hand and you think its so funny!

6. How you love music and dancing - you have music class twice a week at school and we always get on your report card that "Libby shook her booty in music class". It makes me laugh every time. When we play music for you at home you stomp your feet and sway your body and your head side to side - its adorable!

7. How you are learning - we love watching you learn new things. Its fun watching you try to do things - you are learning to brush your hair, use a spoon, put toys in the basket, use a cup, point at things that you want. Your words are getting clearer - you are very good at momma, dada, da for dog, buh- buh for bye-bye, baba for bottle, and we understand when you try to say "thank you". You love to repeat the sounds that we make, even when we make funny sounds! You love doing this in the car so that we can have a conversation even when you can't see us!

8. How you have no fear - we love this about you, but it also makes us nervous. Your teachers always say, "Libby has no fear".

9. How you love swimming and the beach - you are a water baby!

10. How you run up to us and smile from ear to ear when we pick you up from school each day!
11. How when you wake up in the morning you're standing in the corner of your crib with your arms over the edge and all of your hair is in your face

12. How when you do something you aren't supposed to (like playing in the dog's water bowl), you look back at us before diving in anyway

13. The way you walk so fast that its almost a run!
14. The way you stuff sand into your mouth - like it tastes as good as cookie dough

15. The way you moan and hum when you eat something you really like- yogurt, cake or ice cream, and recently muffins!

16. The way you like to sit in our laps - you will bring us a book and do a full 180 in front of us and then plop down in our laps. Sometimes even without a book, just for a quick snuggle!

.... and so many many more things that we love about you!

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