Wednesday, October 31, 2012

She says the darndest things...

Libby has been talking well for months now, but she has really impressed us recently - entertaining us with the phrases she uses, surprising us by the things she knows and catching us off guard with the phrases of ours that she mimics.  Here are a few of our favorites right now..

- Maybe later
- All day long (I'll ask if she was good and she'll say, "Yes, I was good all day long."
- Actually - and she uses it in the right context.  She told Josh that "instead of going to the pool, she actually wanted to go for a walk."
- Its ok, it happens.  I think she learned this one from the potty training!
- Silly Billy
- Hot Tamale! Whenever we say something is hot, she'll say "Hot Tamale"
- Mamma Cita - not sure why Josh taught her this, but it stuck!
- Goodness gracious - I can't believe she uses this one correctly, but it makes us laugh every time
- Holy Moly
- Oh boy
- That'll be fun - she says this about a lot of things - some that do sound like fun and some when she just doesn't have another comment. 
- Oh man
- You know that song?  This might be our favorite right now.  She starts singing a song and then turns to one of us and says, "you know that song, mommy?"

Libby also has some funny names for things.  She calls medicine "medicine man," she calls an American Flag an "Ameriflag," she calls chap stick or lip gloss or anything of the sort, "lips."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Celebrating Baby # 2!

We had a great trip to Richmond last weekend - visiting with my parents, going to the Zoo and seeing my wonderful girlfriends!  The zoo was again, a hit!  This zoo was a little more casual than the Columbia Zoo and allowed us to get really close to the animals - Libby was scared by some (mostly the apes) but loved getting so close to the others. I think Josh enjoys the animals as much as the little ones, and spent all of his allowance feeding the giraffes :)
The girls were so sweet and decided to throw us a "sprinkle."  We had a dinner with Courtney and Fred, Erin and JC, Katherine and Conor, and Lindsay and Stevie.  Baby Anna also got to join us - and I loved every second of snuggling with her on the chilly night!
We also picked up my childhood bed, which will be Libby's "Big Girl Bed" very soon -- as soon as I get the nerve to move her out of her crib - can't I just leave her in there forever?!

 Erin, Courtney, Me, Katherine, Tracey, Lindsay
 Libby got a few special big-sister gifts too!
 Fun with Bubbie!
 And Doc!
 Riding the Train at the Zoo
 Imitating the giraffes
 We all loved the giraffes!
 Libby's special ride on Bubbie's walker

Practicing her gymnastics!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Punkin' Patch!

2 years ago, we started what has become a tradition, and go to the pumpkin patch at Hunter Farm with the Berry family.  Libby and Everly are just 2 days apart and have been going together since they were just over 3 months old. It gets better and better each year as Libby and Everly learn more about animals and the joy of the season!  This year, we were joined by the Berry's new baby, Odin, who is 3 months.  Libby loved being around Odin, as she does all babies (at least for now)!  The girls got to go on a fun hayride, go to the petting zoo, pick out their own pumpkins, and of course have a fun photo shoot!

I'm so glad we have pictures to capture the girls each year. This year we had Odin join us and next year Libby's little brother or sister will join us too!

October 2010 -  Everly and Libby 3.5 months
October 2011 - Everly and Libby - 15 months, joined by Mara
October 2012 - Libby and Everly - 27 months

 They explored the corn...

 Libby kept wanting to take Odin's things and new she was not supposed to, so we got great, yet mischievous smiles!
 The whole gang!

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Trip to the Zoo!

We took Libby to the Zoo for the first time and she LOVED it!  We talked about it the whole week before so that she would get excited and be prepared for what she would see!  It had been years since I had been myself and loved seeing it through Libby's eyes!  She was so excited she ran from exhibit to exhibit!  Chief and Cici joined us and we had the best day!  We got there early in the morning and covered the whole zoo in time for a picnic lunch and to hit the road before nap time.  Libby was so exhausted, she fell asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot (and I wasn't far behind).  This will go down as one of the best things we've done as a family, and we can't wait to do it again!

 Libby loved the "ephalents"
 We were shocked how brave Libby was with the giraffes!  She fed them lettuce from her hands - it was amazing and they were beautiful!
 She even did it all on her own!
 We fed the llamas too!

 Chief was brave enough to go into the bird house and feed the birds - Libby was a bit scared, but thought it was pretty fun!

 Where do we go next?! Libby helped Chief read the park map.
 Watching the gorillas eat lunch. Libby talked about them eating salad for days after!
 We loved riding the carousel!
An exhausting day!  Everyone took a little nap on the way home!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Baby Jones update!

Today, I am 22 weeks!  I am starting to finally feel better (knocking on all the wood I can see)! The baby is very active when I lay down at night and I love it!  Libby talks about "her baby" all the time. She gives my stomach kisses, offers it her passies and snacks and drinks.  She tells the baby that she loves it and good morning and good night - I'm loving this, but I'm sure she has no idea what will hit her in a few months! 

Here was 21 weeks:

Chief Turns 60!

We had a big surprise party for Chief a few weekends ago as he turned the big 6-0!  Cheri, Callie, Allen, Clay, Josh and I someone pulled this off without him knowing.  It was one surprise after another that day - first Uncle Ed showed up on the golf course to play with Scott, all the way from Houston. Next, Clay walks up to Scott on the golf course!  Clay surprised all of us - no one knew he was coming until he showed up Thursday night at Callie and Allen's house!  After golf, Scott pulled up to the house and his friends and family were standing on the front porch to greet him!  Scott made a very dramatic entrace falling right out of the car in suprise, and finsihed off the night with a keg stand!
