Monday, August 15, 2011

What a Weekend!

Although I was anxious for weeks ahead, we had a great weekend! Josh and I headed to West Virginia Friday afternoon to camp for the night and go rafting on the New River on Saturday. We figured Libby would stay with Chief and Cici, but Cici was out of town visiting family, so.... Libby stayed with Chief! I'm not sure that I can handle Libby by myself all weekend, but Scott was very much looking forward to it and they had a great time! I was most nervous about her sleeping, which hasn't been great these last few weeks because of the never-ending teething process for her first molar- ah, the pain!
But, of course, Libby had a great time with Chief and Chief with Libby! They went swimming at Carmel on Friday night and then played all day Saturday- they went running, swimming again and to the park! Chief had a little trouble with Libby's hair, but made a great effort, even calling in back-up from Callie!
Meanwhile, in WVa, Josh and I really roughed it :) We had a nice big tent on a clean camp ground, a nice big air mattress and indoor showers and bathrooms, and I somehow avoided seeing any creatures! It was the nicest camping I've done. Rafting on Saturday was great- the weather was warm and the water felt great. We swam with rapids, jumped off rocks, jumped into whirlpools- it was great fun, but we were glad to come home to our sweet girl on Sunday, and of course we have no pictures to memorialize the adventure!

Libby learning to use a spoon!

These little piggies are getting quite long- can you believe Josh dressed her and picked out the matching bows?

We've been letting Libby run around with just her towel after her bath for a few minutes - only because its just too cute!

Chief was obviously too busy to capture the precious moments he had with Libby this weekend, so I snapped a few when I got home. They really were tight buddies over the weekend - even when we got home, she was a little anxious when he left the room :)

Chief worked with Libby on getting down the stairs. We're teaching her to "bump" down each stair and she's starting to get the hang of it - she even says something that sounds like "bump"!

Josh and I took Libby to Cotswold Elementary playground on Sunday (her future school) - here she is learning the balance beam!

... and climbing the rock wall

... and after the big slide!

Dada and Libby had fun on the hanging rope ladders!

And Momma and Libby ran a race around the track!

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