Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monkey Joe's and Monkeying Around...

We had a great weekend - adult time with friends and great Libby time too! Beth and Tommy came to visit for the weekend, and as always, time with them was too much fun and we miss them already! I guess a Charleston trip will have to be in our near future. Saturday night we had some friends over for a dinner party- we made a yummy slider bar! It was delicious and we had a great time letting loose with our good friends! The night ended with "Dance Party USA" and a dance competition between me and Beth- still no decided winner, but a good time had by all, including Josh and Tommy who patiently observed without making fun of us and while cleaning the kitchen!

Sunday we picked up Libby from her overnight trip to Chief and Cici's and went to Monkey Joe's for the first time. It took Libby a little while to warm up, but she had a great time jumping in the castles and playing with the inflatables- she even loved going down all the slides with Momma and Dada!

This was her favorite, going down part of the way by herself... don't worry it was a short slide and I wasn't far behind..

I have to say, this form is impressive- nice quads Libby!

"Dad, Dad, do you think we can make it over? I think we can do it, lets go..."

"Dad, the climbing wall is next, we can do it- we're really good at obstacles when we work together!

First time down the slide!

Happy Girl- What fun!!!

Beth and Tommy after the party was over and dance competition put to rest!

If this was my best move, I'm thinking Beth won the contest... so glad there's no picture of my attempts at the "Roger Rabbit", "Running Man" or "Typewriter"...

Jazz hands...Beth got this move from high school jazz class :)

The yummy spread for the dinner party...

All the toppings-

The evening's menu- so many choices, so hard to choose!

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