Monday, May 23, 2011

Libby is 10 Months!!

Libby turned 10 months on May 9. She is changing so much every day, we can hardly keep up! At 10 months, she is eating more and more foods, like Cheerios, pieces of chicken, small pieces of fruit and vegtables and still loves puffs! We get a lot of funny faces when she tries new things, but she's getting used to lot of new foods. She's loving spaghetti!

Libby has also learned to clap really well and gets really excited when she does it. She's also getting really good at banging 2 objects together (typically measuring cups) to make "music" of her own. She has also mastered waving and does it all the time - its adorable!

At 10 months, the big news is that she's almost walking. She takes up to 10 steps by herself and likes being on her feet. I think the official walking will be any day!

Love these little piggies!

Who put the baby in the basket??

Here's the official 10 Month Picture - that sign says "May 9, 2011, 10 Months", but Libby's a paper-lover, so she would rather eat the sign!

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