Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Clay's Graduation!

Clay Graduated!!! Libby's Uncle Clay graduated from Baylor University on May 14 with great grades! We all made the trip to Waco, TX to see him walk across the stage and celebrate with him. Cousins Lori, Erin, Shawn and baby Sam also made the trip! Libby did great on the long trip that included 2 flights with a layover and a rental car ride from Austin to Waco, but was worn out when we got home!

Adult night out- celebrating with Clay!

The ladies- Callie, cousin Erin and I had a fun night re-living college days!!

Allen and Callie

The whole gang including Jim and LaNelle.

What is that tassel thing and who is this guy who looks JUST like my Daddy?

A little cranky after 2 hours in the ceremony, but she did great!

Cousin Erin loved her time with Libby!

Another example of those strong Jones genes... geese!

Chief and Cici with Libby at graduation.

Pure Joy- Sam loved his time in the hotel pool!

1-2-3- jump!

Celebratory dinner and Libby got to wear the new dress that her Daddy bought her!

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