Friday, May 6, 2011

Libby Turned 9 Months (1 month ago)!

I'm very late with Libby's 9 month post, as she turns 10 months in just a few days. Her 9th month has been quite busy- she's been to Richmond twice, once for her first Passover and once because her Great Grandmommy Sophie passed away. She did get to meet Sophie a few times and we will make sure to tell her stories about her when she's old enough to remember.

9 Month Stats:
17 lbs, 3 oz- 25% in weight- she's dropping, but I think because she's so busy!
26 inches- 50% in height
25% in head circumference

At 9 Months, she's up to a lot:
- Eating lots of finger foods including puffs, cheerios, cheese and bits of lots of our food
- She took her first real steps around 91/2 months. She's up to about 5 at a time, so walking should be very soon
- She still loves swim class and her bath at night. She knows when its bath time and jumps up and down squealing when we walk into the bathroom
- She's become very clingy, which is sweet, but hard at the same time- she cried for the first time when we left her at school
- She's started drinking from her sippy cup, although she hasn't mastered it yet
- She had her first full ponytail- hilarious!
- She's waving a lot, not at all the appropriate times, but she's gotten the hang of it.

Happy Girl!

And a ponytail, hanging down!

First Shades

Breakfast time, puffs for Libby

Waiting eagerly for bath time!

With her teacher Haley before Haley went to a new job :(

Snuggling in bed on a Saturday morning, sweet girl :)

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