Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekend with Grandparents

While the kids are away.. the grandparents did play! Josh and I had our first full weekend away since Libby was born. We went to NYC for our friends Dwight and Laura's engagement party. Libby stayed at her own house and her grandparents and Aunt came to take care of her. It was a gift all around- a treat for us to have an adult weekend and for our family to get great time with Libby. They even got to get up with her in the night for extra time together :)

Libby also got to go to her swim class with Chief on Saturday (and a slew of Wasserman paparazzi). I'm not sure if Libby or Scott enjoyed it more!

It was so nice on Sunday, we had some play time in the yard and Libby got to feel the grass in her toes.

I think she got to stay in her PJs all weekend- what a treat!

Chief and Libby enjoying the lazy river at the Y.


This little girl loves her bath!

Snuggle time after the pool and very ready for a nap.

More PJs.
Master Crawler

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