Monday, March 21, 2011

Libby is 8 Months Old!

Libby turned 8 months last week! I can hardly believe my baby girl is growing so fast. Her little personality is coming out more each month. After hearing stories about Josh as a baby, I think she is following in his footsteps. She's all over the place- climbing on things, trying to crawl on top and over things, crawling from room to room, crawling over the other babies at school to get to toys. She crawls with one knee and one foot- so its a half crawl- I think she realized the foot would get her places faster. This is apparently all Josh behavior- as Cheri told me, her other 2 babies were much more calm. A few cute things about Libby at 8 months:

- She no longer likes her hair bow and has started pulling it out. She even pulls at it when its not there just to make sure.
- She's eating finger foods- puffs, cheese straws and yogurt puffs and doing a pretty good job at getting them in her mouth.
- She talks a lot- mostly Dada and Nana (which I personally think is momma)
- She is starting to learn to hug and kiss. Her kiss is really her open mouth on your cheek, including teeth. Her hug is a nuzzle at your neck or her burying her face in your chest.
- She's starting to like to snuggle with her lovies, blankets and stuffed animals
- She's pretty attached to her parents and crawls all the way across the floor and climbs up our leg to get us to pick her up
- She is loving Buffet and thinks he's hilarious. He licks her toes, which makes her giggle every time. When he walks out of the room, she looks for him.
- To get from one place to another in a standing position, she dives. She'll hold onto the coffee table and want to switch to her toy basket and just dives for the basket- scary for her momma to know that she has no fear!
- She loves being tickled, mostly right at her jaw line- which gets the cutest giggle
- She is so squirmy on the changing table- diaper and pjs at night is like wrestling a wild animal

Josh spun her around in this basket- it was like the Tea Cups at Disney World!

She loves standing up holding onto her toy basket, and reaching inside to find all of her toys!

So we had a diaper blow out on the way to the doctor's office and all I had with me was a diaper since we came straight from school (first time mom mistake). So, she came home in a diaper, socks, hair bow and jean jacket- hilarious!

Happy Girl :)

These pictures are harder and harder to take!

1 comment:

  1. Love the jean jacket and diaper...could be a gap baby :)

