Friday, March 25, 2011

New Shoes & A Trip to the Park!

I'm not really into the idea of putting shoes on Libby, but it was apparently time since she's starting to attempt walking and is standing up on her own now for a few seconds at a time. I took her to Stride Rite on Sunday and we got her size 3.5 sneakers with a velcro strap. They're soft and very light weight so that they aren't too bulky for crawling. She's doing pretty well in them, but they make her look like such a big girl! It reminded me of the old days- selling kids shoes at Saxon's!

We also went to the park on Saturday with Stacie, Brett and Everley Berry! Everley is just 2 days older than Libby, so its always fun to let the girls play together, and they've been on the same page for almost everything, which is fun for their parents :)

I thought this was such a sweet picture - what a little lady
And then she proceeded to crawl over Stacie and onto the top of their picnic basket - She didn't listen when I told her that it wasn't appropriate to climb while wearing a skirt.
Everyley was a master poser- she smiled whenever the camera came out and looked right at it. On the other hand, Libby wasn't quite with it. This skill of Everley's was very impressive!
Sweet Everley - fashionable in her romper just like her Momma!
They had quite the conversation which sounded more like a screeching competition.

1 comment:

  1. Barb,
    Libby is soo adorable! I always take my boys back to Saxon Shoes to get their shoes! Its only 2 hours from me and it gives me an excuse to see my parents!! Hope you are doing well! Talk to you soon.

