Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7 Months!

Libby turned 7 months a few weeks ago. She's changing so much that we can hardly keep up. She's now standing up at every opportunity - in her crib, on our coffee table, the couch, ottoman, in the bath and on us. She's still standing up as soon as she wakes up in the night, but is getting a little better about getting herself back to sleep. These last few weeks have been plagued by sickness in our house- 2 ear infections for Libby and a stomach bug for all of us- we are more than ready for warm weather! A few new things Libby's doing at 7 months:

- Crawling very well - all the way down the hall and getting faster by the day
- Eating more and more - she devours her food now and likes everything so far except for peas
- "Walking" when holding our hands or onto the edge of something
- She loves playing with her passies and collects them like they are pennies. When she finds a new one in her crib, she spits one out and replaces with the new- she can keep this game up for quite a while. We now put about 5 in her crib every night so that she's never out.
- She doesn't love her stroller- she would rather be out playing than relaxing for the ride
- We tried giving her puffs, but she's not too keen on the texture of solid food yet

We had a beautiful day at the park- 75 degrees in February. Libby got to swing for the first time!

Already a fan!

And she's up!
Finally feeling better after a few weeks of being sick!

The official 7-month picture- the sign says "February 2011, 7 Months", but Libby preferred to eat it!

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