Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tis the Season!

Since we're living in a smaller space this year, we decided to keep all of our holiday decorations and things in storage this year - it made practical sense, but was not as exciting to have a house with no signs of the holidays!  So, a few weeks ago, Libby and I got a small, pre-lit tree at Target, which now sits on our kitchen table and is ornamented with the holiday cards we've gotten - simple, but it works!  We also planned on having a special night of Hanukkah, but Libby was sick, and that didn't work out, either! 

With these hurdles in mind, we have still had a wonderful Holiday season so far!  We've baked together, sang songs, talk about Santa and enjoy our time together.  Libby and I spent last Friday together and went downtown Charlotte to see the "singing teddy bears" and visit some of the other downtown decorations - she loved it!  We are yet to see Santa, as Libby tells us how afraid of him she is (just like she is of the Chik-fil-A cow), but we'll see if we can bribe her this week.

So, we joined the Joneses to decorate their tree, which Libby loved.  She and Callie ended up doing most of the work!

This past weekend, Libby, Josh and Scott ran in the Reindeer Romp 5K - it was cold, but we bundled her up and she was excited to be part of the event - and to get a medal at the end!

We also finally checked out McAddenville - Christmas Town - which was quite the experience.  We knew it would be crowded and take a while to get through as its such an attraction, but we never would have guessed it would be as crowded as it was.  We left our house at 5:15 and pulled out of the town around 9! We had to wait for 2 hours on the side of I-85 just to get to the entrance of the town.  It was wonderful, but not worth that wait!  Libby did great considering she hadn't eaten dinner and was stuck in her car seat - thank goodness for snacks and the Ipad! 

 Libby was very into Uncle Clay!
 Cici got Libby a stocking for her house!

 Putting the Angel on top!
 Libby and Callie did most of the decorating!
Showing off her gymnastics and stretching skills... 
 The finished tree!
 Sweet Buffett!
 Loving jumping off the ottoman - she made the whole family count to 3 for her each time!
 The Singing Teddy Bears!
 Getting ready for the race!

 Almost to the finish line...
 Very proud of her medal!
 Flexing her muscles to show us how strong she is...
 There was even a bubble machine!
 Tour through McAddenville - Libby got out of her car seat and waved to everyone who walked past the car  - she did such a great job!
The lights were beautiful!!

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