Thursday, December 6, 2012

I am Thankful For...

So many things this holiday season, and I love having a day (long weekend) devoted to counting the things we are thankful for in our lives.  Of course, I am most thankful for a healthy family - a little girl who brings joy to our lives every day and is healthy and happy, adventurous, playful, smart, and growing and changing every day.  A husband who gives us everything he can each day, who gets up early to run, so that he can be back to have family time before work, who is excited with each birthday because he celebrates what he has at that point in his life and is genuinely excited for what is to come, and who waits on me as I battle the symptoms of pregnancy.  Friends and family to support us and love us through each challenge and each celebration in our lives.  This year, I cannot help but be thankful for baby #2 and a healthy pregnancy, as we anxiously await for baby Jones to arrive healthy and happy!

We had a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving weekend away in Blacksburg with my family.  We were able to truly relax, take naps, and enjoy our time together.  Libby loved having more space to run around than she does at home, and she especially loved having so many family members to love on her!  She also loved feeding the ducks at the Virginia Tech duck pond!!

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