Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life Lately...

As we are quickly approaching the arrival of baby Jones #2, I thought I would capture a bit about what our life has been like lately.  At this point, I would describe it as CHAOS, but I am sure it is nothing compared to life with 2 little ones. 

Backing up a bit to explain the chaos - we put our house on the market in May and sold it within 48 hours.  Within the week (memorial day weekend), we had an offer accepted on another house, I got a job offer, and shortly after we found out I was pregnant - all good things but alot! We certainly should have bought a lottery ticket that week :)

We moved out in July (actually July 9, Libby's 2nd birthday) and moved in to a townhouse nearby while our new house was being renovated/demolished/re-built.  Most of our things are in storage and we brought only what we thought we had to have!  The townhouse was originally 1600 SF, but over the last 6 months, is now described as our 800 SF townhouse, or more commonly in our conversation as "the angry townhouse." I guess the combination of a pregnant lady, a 2-year-old and not enough space can really dampen a family's general mood.   Mostly, I am having a hard time not being able to dive into my desire to nest and prepare for the baby - I don't even know where we'll be living when the baby arrives - I guess this is a test of my patience and ability to go-with-the-flow (or as Josh intimately knows, my lack of ability to go-with-the-flow)!  But we'll be out and in our new place soon!

So our house is under construction and Josh is working as quickly as he can to get us in before the baby arrives!  Currently looking like mid-January - giving us 3 weeks before due date.

In addition to these exciting events, I started a new job in July - I'm loving it, but a new job is certainly another layer to add onto an already exciting list of big life changes.

I am feeling really good at this point (32 weeks) and excited about what is to come in 2013 for our family.  Libby is so much fun right now and I am trying to soak up every minute (mostly the adorable moments, not the tantrums).  I can't imagine how we're going to do all that we do with 2 little ones, but I know we'll figure it out and we will never be able to imagine how our life was as a family of 3!  Here is how our days go at this point....

5:00 - Josh gets up and goes to Y or running
6:00 - I get up and try to shower and dress before Libby wakes up.  I pack my lunch, make coffee and dry my hair downstairs so that I don't wake her up in our close quarters!
6:30-7 - Libby wakes up (sometimes earlier).  We try to leave her in her bed until 7 so we can get dressed
7:00 - Libby up, breakfast, dressed for school (battle every day)
7:45 - Josh takes Libby to school and I leave for work
8-5 - work, work, work
5:30 - I pick up Libby at school, hope she had a good nap and ate more than "some" of at least something during the day
6:00 - get home, re-arrange cars to get mine into our 1-car garage so I don't get a parking violation.  Start pulling something together for dinner.
6:30 - dinner/play with Libby
7:30 - watch a movie in bed (this is new and we're loving it), read books and bedtime by 8.
Soon after - exhausted, pregnant, high-heel-wearing, working mom, hits the hay :)

Good thing Josh is so wonderful, we get to squeeze baby time in here soon!!!

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