Monday, May 23, 2011

Libby is 10 Months!!

Libby turned 10 months on May 9. She is changing so much every day, we can hardly keep up! At 10 months, she is eating more and more foods, like Cheerios, pieces of chicken, small pieces of fruit and vegtables and still loves puffs! We get a lot of funny faces when she tries new things, but she's getting used to lot of new foods. She's loving spaghetti!

Libby has also learned to clap really well and gets really excited when she does it. She's also getting really good at banging 2 objects together (typically measuring cups) to make "music" of her own. She has also mastered waving and does it all the time - its adorable!

At 10 months, the big news is that she's almost walking. She takes up to 10 steps by herself and likes being on her feet. I think the official walking will be any day!

Love these little piggies!

Who put the baby in the basket??

Here's the official 10 Month Picture - that sign says "May 9, 2011, 10 Months", but Libby's a paper-lover, so she would rather eat the sign!

Momma's First Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful first Mother's Day, spending the entire day with Josh and Libby! They let me sleep in and then woke me up with a special breakfast on the porch, then we headed to the pool and the 3 of us hung out all day. We were joined for dinner by Callie and Allen and Scott and Cheri- all that was missing was seeing my own wonderful Mother on her day!

Libby loves music! She smiles when she hears fun sounds or makes sounds herself, so this was the perfect toy!

2 mommies and a baby at Mother's Day dinner.

Libby looking out the window at Buffett and Gracie.

Libby enjoyed brunch on the back porch... still wearing her Christmas PJs!

A wonderful Daddy treating his wife to a special Mother's Day breakfast!

The beautiful spread that I woke up to!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Libby Bunny

Libby had a wonderful first Easter! She took an unusually long nap and missed going to Church, but she and I got to join Scott, Cheri, Callie, Allen, Clay and Josh at Carmel for brunch. She met the Easter Bunny and wasn't afraid of him at all! She had a ball afterwards at Cici and Chief's house playing with Gracie and on the deck with her family, while her parents alternated getting to relax by the pool!!


Libby got to enjoy happy hour on the deck!

Our little bunny :) Diaper and bunny ears- what could be a better outfit!

Such a big girl!

Taking steps in her beautiful dress :)

Libby loved her Easter eggs!

Photo session at Carmel.

Libby and Mommy!

Libby got a lollipop from the Easter Bunny!

Ready for Easter Brunch.

Libby with Aunt Callie and the Easter Bunny!

The eggs were her favorite - I guess next year there will have to actually be something in them!

Let me empty it all out to get a good look :)

Good Morning Libby- look what the Easter Bunny brought you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Libby Turned 9 Months (1 month ago)!

I'm very late with Libby's 9 month post, as she turns 10 months in just a few days. Her 9th month has been quite busy- she's been to Richmond twice, once for her first Passover and once because her Great Grandmommy Sophie passed away. She did get to meet Sophie a few times and we will make sure to tell her stories about her when she's old enough to remember.

9 Month Stats:
17 lbs, 3 oz- 25% in weight- she's dropping, but I think because she's so busy!
26 inches- 50% in height
25% in head circumference

At 9 Months, she's up to a lot:
- Eating lots of finger foods including puffs, cheerios, cheese and bits of lots of our food
- She took her first real steps around 91/2 months. She's up to about 5 at a time, so walking should be very soon
- She still loves swim class and her bath at night. She knows when its bath time and jumps up and down squealing when we walk into the bathroom
- She's become very clingy, which is sweet, but hard at the same time- she cried for the first time when we left her at school
- She's started drinking from her sippy cup, although she hasn't mastered it yet
- She had her first full ponytail- hilarious!
- She's waving a lot, not at all the appropriate times, but she's gotten the hang of it.

Happy Girl!

And a ponytail, hanging down!

First Shades

Breakfast time, puffs for Libby

Waiting eagerly for bath time!

With her teacher Haley before Haley went to a new job :(

Snuggling in bed on a Saturday morning, sweet girl :)
