Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And We're Off... and up!

We have had our most exciting month yet- Libby has been a very busy little girl over the past few weeks and is learning new tricks every day. She is now crawling- not with perfect form, but she gets the job done and can cross the room when enticed by a blackberry, TV remote or her passie. She is also now standing up in her crib, which is a little scary for us. This morning I actually put her back in her crib to sleep and she immediately sat up and started climbing up her crib. She's also become a great eater and opens her mouth up wide for the spoon when she's sitting in her high chair. Her "talking" is getting really funny too. We think that she says "Da-Da" but doesn't yet know that its Josh.

Impromptu trip to Richmond- Libby got to eat in her Mommy's high chair.

This was the first time we found her standing in her crib- we couldn't catch her in time for the picture of her full standing position.

Here goes the crawling. The floor nanny no longer contains her- she crawls out as soon as we put her on it. She's been working on the crawling for a few weeks now, but officially the form came together on January 31- she was about 61/2 months.

Having dinner with her friend Jack Granelli- nothing like 5:00 dinner on a Friday night!

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