Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Half Birthday Libby!

Libby is 6 months old! It seems like every month is more and more fun with her. She's so playful right now and into everything! She is a champ at sitting up and doesn't wobble at all, although she is not ok with sitting still and playing anymore- she's wanting to crawl so badly and is almost there! At six months, she's eating solid food a few times a day- mostly cereal, apples and sweet potatoes- yummy! She has learned to sit up by herself from laying down- we discovered this this past weekend when we found her sitting up in her crib after her nap- immediately lowered her crib! She's sleeping pretty well now- still up once a night. She loves her little walker car and is so fast scooting herself around in it. At her 6 month check up, her stats were:
Height- 26 inches (75%)
Weight- 15 pounds (45%)
Head- still small (25%)
Hair Length- 150% :)

Yummmmmmy! She makes the cutest noise when she's eating- I think she's saying "ummmm"!
Nap time with Daddy!

She got herself into the pantry and found the fun plastic cups!

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