Monday, February 14, 2011


We took Libby on her first flight last week to meet all of her Texan relatives- and there are lots! She met Grams and the whole clan! She did great on the flight, playing, eating and sleeping and didn't even act like anything was differant than being on the ground. She got lots of attention from her fellow passengers (who I'm sure were dreading being near her on the plane). We actually got thanked after some of the flights for her good behavior- like we had anything to do with it!

We had a great visit with Grams where she got lots of attention from Grams and her friends at Emerald Bay. Josh and I also spent more time than normal looking at the wall of family pictures at Grams' house- we were tracing Libby's genes and seeing what features she got from the Jones side, which we'll talk to her about very carefully one day. Josh also got re-acquainted with some of his Granddaddy's favorite sayings, especially "I've had worse places on my lip and never stopped whistling America," and "Was that an antique shop back there, I meant to stop". Josh loves remembering his Texas roots. Lovely trip!

Libby meeting her cousin, Jeanie
Libby and Sam meeting for the first time. Sam was so sweet with her and gave her hugs and kisses and patted her on the back. We think she tried to kiss him- which is really just her knawing on his cheek- I'm sure he loved that.

Unlce Ed- I guess something was familiar about his nose?

With cousins Erin and Lori- we had such a great time spending time with them! If only we were all together more!

Danny had some sweet Libby time too (although it looks like Danny and Josh are on a date in this picture).

Libby meeting all of her great aunts- Cheri's sisters Pam, Cyndi and Lisa.

Meeting her great-grandfather, Jim and LaNelle.

Special time with Grams in Tyler.

Lunch at The Purple Pig- as Grams said, she really likes going to Honky Tonks more than anywhere else. I second that Grams.

Please make sure your safety belt is fastened securely across your lap.... of course we held Libby, but had to do this for the photo op.

Play time on the plane!

Getting ready for her first flight- here we go!

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