Monday, January 3, 2011

Libby's First Christmas!

What a wonderful first Christmas we had with Libby! She was sick and so were her parents, but we still enjoyed sharing the day with her and her family. The Texas crew wasn't able to make it, but she did get to spend the holiday with both sets of grandparents and her Aunt Laura and Uncle Clay. It was also the first white Christmas in something like 45 years in Charlotte- I think Libby was the lucky charm :).

Libby really enjoyed spending all day Christmas Eve with her parents and grandparents cooking and getting the house all ready for Christmas Eve dinner. We were joined at dinner by Eric and Amy Norris who weren't able to make it home to New Hampshire in the snow storm. Clay's friend Zach Boylston also joined us- what a lovely night with yummy food!

New Toys! New Toys! New Toys!

Goodbye hug - I definitely see the resemblance here Mom- those Nelson jeans are strong!
Cheri's new rain boots- precious.

Her buddy Gracie gave her lots of hugs!

She definitely enjoyed the wrapping paper the most!
Our favorite gift under the tree!
The Wassermans before they hit the road to avoid the big snow storm of 2010!
Opening her beautiful stocking that her grandmother made for her. Santa brought her lots of socks and a few new toys.
She looks like she's up to something in this picture...
I would love to say that she was staring at the beautiful tree or sparkling lights, but let's be honest- it was the ceiling fan.
She loved being up high on her Daddy's shoulders. I can't believe she'll never wear this beautiful dress again!
Christmas Eve- getting ready for our dinner party!
Looking at the beautiful lights on the tree with Chief! I think this may look a little different next year :)
Sitting in her new arm chair- I'm trying to ignore the fact that she looks 2!

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