Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A New Tradition

A few weekends ago we decided to start a new tradition and have a family baking day to kick off the holiday festivities. Callie, Cheri and I baked cookies and Libby played with Chief and Scott. When Libby woke up from her nap, we let her go to town with sugar cookies, icing and sprinkles. She had a ball, but was quite worried the whole time about her messy hands! She loved playing with the sprinkles and quickly discovered how great the icing tasted! After cookie baking, we stopped a lot to get our tree - Libby was worn out from the fun day, so it wasn't too much fun for her, but she loves looking at it now with all the sparkling lights!

Worn out little girl picking out the tree.

This one is just my size!

Libby loves Frosty!

Her favorite decoration so far is the lights! She picks each one up carefully and stares. She says something that I think is "sparkle"!

Yummy cookies!

These were Libby's creations- I really admire her use of mixed media and heavy dose of sprinkles :)

Only an Aunt would do this- thanks Callie! We really wanted her to enjoy the whole experience, so eating icing was definitely allowed :)

Good thing we had extra sprinkles!

Pastry chef in the making...

And a big kiss for Chief - he didn't wash his cheek all week!

This is yummy...

Libby was so worried about the mess on her hands, she kept holding them up for us to clean.

First taste of sprinkles...

Trying out the rocking horse!

Pretty decorations arrived while Libby slept! She loved discovering everything new!

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