Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Birthday to....

Josh, Cheri, Callie and Barb! Tis the season - of Jones family birthdays! I guess I chose the right family to marry in to. Happy birthday to my wonderful family! Lots of celebrating this year!

Josh gave me the most amazing gift by surprising me by bringing 4 of my best friends in town! After 2 days of celebrating, we came home from a movie on Friday night to find Sarah Taylor, Courtney, Erin and Katherine sitting on our couch! I have never been more surprised - I cried and shook until I finally calmed down enough to go to sleep that night! I have been missing these girls so much recently, and I think Josh picked up on that. Thank you Josh for organizing this special treat and thank you girls for making the trip to be with me- it meant more than you know!

Saying bye bye to Sarah...

And Katherine...

And Conor.

And bye bye to Erin and Court!

pajama time with Sarah and Katherine!

Helping Dada open his gifts!

Callie and Allen were there to celebrate!

Kyle and Abby Hedges joined us for our night out!

Birthday festivities kicked off at Ed's Tavern with Amy and Eric, Amanda and Callie!

Birthday Cake No. 1 (of 3)

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