Monday, November 21, 2011

A Little Girl

I think I'm (almost, actually never) ready to acknowledge that Libby is no longer a baby. It took be about 6 months when I stopped calling her a newborn, and now at 16 months, I think its time for me to say she is a toddler. Afterall, she has been walking for 6 months now and "toddling" was ages ago!

She likes to read books on her own and climb up in her chair to read them. She even likes to turn on her music and dance.

She LOVES doggies! She knows Buffet (buba) and Gracie (gacie) by name and is so excited to see them and play with them. Gracie is especially wonderful with her and lets her climb all over her, tug at her ears give her hugs and kisses.

Libby loves to hide now and is really good at it! She'll run away and be totally quiet until we find her and giggles so excitedly- that's how I finally got this smiling picture- I had to surprise her while she was hiding!

Libby has been sleeping with a crib tent for a few months now- she's such a climber and started her attempts around 10 months, so we didn't want to take any chances.

If she takes a good nap, she wakes up and plays in her crib now - how adorable when she first wakes up!

Libby in her toddler class- they sit down at this table and have breakfast together every morning. She's not sad at all when I leave she just waves and says "bye". This day, Libby was late, so her friends decided to help feed her since she had missed group breakfast.

A sweet kiss from Margo!

This was picture day and exactly the face she made in all of her school pictures - nice!

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