Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

We had a fantastic time with Stacie, Brett and Everley and Ashley, Jay and Mara at Hunter Farm this weekend! We picked out pumpkins, went on a hay ride and went to their petting zoo. It was so much fun, I think we're going again this coming weekend! Quite a different experience than last year, when all we did was prop the girls up between pumpkins for a picture. This year, they were climbing on pumpkins, making animal noises at the petting zoo and running around the farm. So much fun!

All the girls with their girls :)

We couldn't get them all to look at once, but this is the closest! Everley, Libby and Mara.

Playing on the tractor...

Looking at the animals with Dada- we saw goats, pigs, sheet, horses, cows and ducks!

Enjoying the hay ride!

Libby did so well sitting on the hay during the ride.

Momma- lets go get our pumpkin!

Hi Everley, give me a kiss!

Where to start...

Let's go in here!

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