Thursday, October 27, 2011

15 Months!

A little late on this one, but Libby is 15 Months! Months 12-14 were monopolized by her 4 molars intruding- which she did not handle very well, but at 15 months, we're back to fun fun Libby and a happy girl! She now has so many teeth that I think she's ready for her first petit fillet - do they serve a 2 oz.?

15 Month Stats:
19 lbs. 10 oz- 10%
31 inches- 50%
451/2 cm head - 50%

REALLY - not yet 20 pounds? So Libby is technically still supposed to be sitting backwards in the car - at 15 months? She's a peanut!

At 15 Months:
- Libby is talking a lot! She says: ball, bubba, momma, dada, bow, poo, mil (milk), wawa (water), no, all done, more, all gone, up, airplane, baby, book, night-night, bye-bye, hi. She is also getting better at saying names of her family and friends.
- She loves animal toys and pictures and we are always working on animal noises. She can say: woof, meow, oink, moo, quack, baaa, roar, ssss for a snake, hahaha for a hyena, waddle waddle for a penguin, makes a kissy face for a fish, scratches like a monkey and blows her arm up like an elephant trunk. Love it!
- She knows lots of body parts - toes, nose, eyes, belly button. She even scrubs her own belly in the bath and she really likes to wash her hands.
- She eats all kinds of foods, but her favorites are: all berries, bananas, scrambled eggs, edamame, mac and cheese (only the Stouffers kind), hot dogs, cheese, yogurt and of course... mini muffins.
- When she's tired, she's tired. No more rocking or extended story time, she just wants to get in her crib.
- Still hates being in the car seat and stroller- no being contained for this girl!
- She thinks its so funny when: we sneeze and imitates it, she likes to play like Buffet is chasing her and laughs hysterically, she likes to chase us around the house and cut us off at the pass.

She likes to climb on everything!

Libby had our friend Ella come over to play and watch the VT game! Ella is a year older than Libby and such a sweet girl. Libby had a little sharing problem that night- makes me worry a bit, but she got better by the end of the night! Ella was such a big girl compared to Libby - I can't believe how much they change in a year.

Libby got a new toy- a cozi cube! She's getting the hang of moving her feet to move her along, but isn't quite loving it yet. She wants to get inside, but then gets frustrated when her feet get stuck underneath the car!

I think this is where the 10th percentile comes from - just like her Daddy, she's conserving weight in those little legs :)

Libby's babysitter Sarah took this picture and got Libby to say cheese! We have a hard time getting her to even look at the camera!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute LITTLE peanut she is! Glad she's getting a break from the terrible teething finally!

