Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Libby's First Thanksgiving

Gobble Gobble Gobble- Libby's first Thanksgiving was wonderful. We got to see all of our family and share some great traditions with our little girl. We started the week off with the Turkey Trot in Charlotte. Libby was pushed by Cheri and Callie and slept the whole way- it was cold and rainy, but she was all bundled up and very comfy in her stroller. After the run, Libby got to meet Dwight and Laura for the first time, then off to Thanksgiving dinner at the Jones' house. She sat in her high chair and played while we ate, then passed out in the middle of the floor for her nap. Friday morning we left for Blacksburg to share the rest of the long weekend with the Wasserman side. We relaxed on Friday afternoon and then went to the VT game on Saturday. Libby stayed at home with her Grandmother so that Mommy and Daddy could enjoy some adult beverages and the game.

On the way home from Blacksburg, we stopped to cut down our tree at McInnis Tree Farm in Elkin, NC. Libby wasn't too into the tree cutting since we woke her up from her nap when we got there.

What a wonderful holiday- we are so thankful to have such great families and friends, and this year we are especially thankful for a healthy, beautiful, sweet baby girl.

It was chilly on the farm, but we snuggled up and got a beautiful tree!

At the tree farm- Josh teaching Libby about the texture of the Christmas tree

Libby's grandfather decided it was time for her to be introduced to his favorite drink!

Libby stayed at home while we were at the game and had great play time with her Grandma!

And off to Blacksburg and to TOTS- Allen had his first Rail and we got to reminisce about college days...

In true Thanksgiving tradition- passed out after the meal!

Yummm... that Turkey looks good, where's mine?

Taking a much-needed break from cooking and cleaning all day- Callie and Allen got a little Libby time!

Maybe in a few years she'll be sitting in a chair.

Libby got to meet Laura and Dwight for the first time and congratulate them on their engagement.

The Turkey Trot Crew- we made it! The Tuckers joined us for mimosas after the trot and for Thanksgiving dinner.

Libby loves Gracie and Gracie is so good with Libby, she didn't even seem to mind when Libby grabbed at her eyes.

Thanksgiving Eve dinner- she had so much fun being part of the dinner table!
Libby enjoying playtime in her exersaucer- ready for the festivities to start!

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