Thursday, November 11, 2010

Libby is 4 Months!

Standing at 2 feet, 1 inch, Libby is 4 months old and is so much fun! She is enjoying exploring everything around her. She is grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth, she loves to sit in our laps and have us read to her- she watches as we turn each page, she rolls over all the time- even double rolls sometimes, she is really wanting to sit up on her own, she likes listening to music and looking at lights and playing with her toes and feet. She's even starting to laugh when we tickle her. She's still up in the middle of the night which is not fun, but we're working on it- and yes we did finally move her out of our room a few weeks ago. She had her 4 month check-up yesterday and was a very healthy little girl. She even did fairly well with her shots. Here are her stats:

Height- 25 inches- 75% (those tall Jones genes are staying strong)
Weight- 13 lbs, 3 oz- 50%
Head- 25% (still a little peanut head)

She had so much fun at the doctor's office playing with the table paper. She tore it up and rolled around in it- it may be her favorite toy yet. We immediately called Dad to ask him to bring some table paper home from his office for her to play with.

Yes - she tore this up all by herself. We had to replace the paper twice!

She was ready for bed when we took these pictures, so we couldn't get a smile.
Playing with her Aunt Callie before bed.

Hanging out with Uncle Allen- she even has speical expressions just for Allen- she knows when he's holding her :)
Libby's new favorite thing- bedtime stories. Cici is working on getting her language skills started early!

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