Saturday, August 14, 2010


Libby has had many milestones although small, still exciting in our life with her. She's growing like crazy and changing every day. We are having so much fun watching her learn new things and start to show her little personality.

First "day at the pool". Rikki Miller and I took the girls to the Jones' pool to relax for the day. We ended up sitting in the sun for about 10 minutes each since the girls would fall asleep, then one would wake up, cry and wake the other up. Berkley Miller is sleeping in the moses basket and Libby is in the pack and play.

First time out to dinner- at 4 weeks old we went to dinner with both sets of grandparents at Providence Cafe. Libby is asleep in her stroller and I had my first glass of wine.

First "Life is Good" shirt. Libby plans on this being her motto in life.

First time enjoying her mobile- she loves staring up at the pretty butterflies.

Enjoying tummy time with my monkey pillow.

First walk at 9 days old. Libby loves her daily walks in the neighborhood!

First hair bow- I can't believe I waited this long, she could have had a bow right after being delivered :)

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