Sunday, August 8, 2010

Going to the hospital- July 8, 2010

On July 8, after having regular contractions for 2 hours, we called the doctor who said it was time to head to the hospital. We couldn't believe it- we were so excited! We got our bags packed into the car and headed to Presbyterian- it was surreal We arrived around 5:00 p.m. where we were evaluated and told that it was baby time! We were admitted to our delivery room around 7 p.m. with very strong contractions that were just 2 minutes apart and got ready to meet our little one! Josh's parents came to the hospital right away to check on us and my parents got in the car and left Richmond at 7:30- by 12:30 that nigth, they were all with us. We watched the monitors together, anxiously awaiting baby Jones' arrival!

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