Friday, August 27, 2010

Precious Libby

I can't stop taking pictures of Libby! I seem to think that every little thing she does is truly amazing and I have to capture each moment.

Holding her head up during tummy time.

I'm soooooo big (and so is my belly)! Chubby baby in a little tub- its like she laying out in a hammock!

Working with her Daddy- this was quite a moment.

Its a little its a moon... now its a star- Libby was mezmorized by her mobile!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Daddy's Triathlon

Libby got to see her Daddy do his triathlon this morning- well, we made it to see him cross the finish line. I'm definitely seeing how hard it is to get out of the house in the morning with a baby- I know I didn't brush my hair and who knows what I was wearing, but Libby looked cute, the dogs got fed and Josh was very excited that we were there to cheer him on when he crossed the finish line! She even slept long enough to let us have breakfast on the patio at Toast in Davidson.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Enjoying Play Time!

During the past week, Libby has started enjoying lots of new toys and games. She is watching anything that we hold in front of her and following with her eyes- tracking as we move the object across the room. She is also starting to like laying on her play mat and looking at the hanging toys. She mostly likes the games that we play with her like sliding down her Daddy's knees and checking out things around the house like lights and ceiling fans!
Sliding down Daddy's knees is fun!

Libby's starting to love playing under her play mat, and look at those long legs! She even got Buffet in on the fun- I wonder who won that staring contest!

Libby is 1 month old- August 9, 2010

We can't believe that Libby is already 1 month old! She is such a sweet baby and is surprising us every day with how much she is growing and changing. She had her 1 month visit to her doctor last week- Dr. Amy Ryan at Eastover Peds. Libby had a great report and is a growing girl. She has gained almost 3 pounds since birth and grown 2 inches- no wonder she eats all the time! Here are her stats:

9 lbs 15 oz- 75% in weight
22 inches- 85% in height (thanks to her Daddy)
47% in head size

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Libby has had many milestones although small, still exciting in our life with her. She's growing like crazy and changing every day. We are having so much fun watching her learn new things and start to show her little personality.

First "day at the pool". Rikki Miller and I took the girls to the Jones' pool to relax for the day. We ended up sitting in the sun for about 10 minutes each since the girls would fall asleep, then one would wake up, cry and wake the other up. Berkley Miller is sleeping in the moses basket and Libby is in the pack and play.

First time out to dinner- at 4 weeks old we went to dinner with both sets of grandparents at Providence Cafe. Libby is asleep in her stroller and I had my first glass of wine.

First "Life is Good" shirt. Libby plans on this being her motto in life.

First time enjoying her mobile- she loves staring up at the pretty butterflies.

Enjoying tummy time with my monkey pillow.

First walk at 9 days old. Libby loves her daily walks in the neighborhood!

First hair bow- I can't believe I waited this long, she could have had a bow right after being delivered :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Libby's First Few Weeks

Libby's first bath and hair washing- she loves it! She acts like she's getting her hair washed at a salon- its a riot!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heading Home - July 11, 2010

At the hospital- sharing the news!

After waiting for hours, Josh got to share the news with our families that Libby had arrived!

Exhausted Daddy and Chief!

Cheri meeting her little grand daughter

Proud Daddy

Mom and Dad meeting their little grand baby!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Its a GIRL- Elizabeth "Libby" Nelson Jones!!!

After about 12 hours of labor and delivery, at 6:10 a.m. we were delighted to find out that our baby was a GIRL! We were so excited to meet her, hold her and love her.

Look at all her hair!

Snuggled up with her Mommy - this was heaven!

She was so calm and did so well getting all cleaned up and checked out. She even loved getting her hair washed!

Libby's first picture- 7 pounds, 6 oz, 20 inches with a full head of dark hair! We were so excited to finally know that our baby was a girl!

Going to the hospital- July 8, 2010

On July 8, after having regular contractions for 2 hours, we called the doctor who said it was time to head to the hospital. We couldn't believe it- we were so excited! We got our bags packed into the car and headed to Presbyterian- it was surreal We arrived around 5:00 p.m. where we were evaluated and told that it was baby time! We were admitted to our delivery room around 7 p.m. with very strong contractions that were just 2 minutes apart and got ready to meet our little one! Josh's parents came to the hospital right away to check on us and my parents got in the car and left Richmond at 7:30- by 12:30 that nigth, they were all with us. We watched the monitors together, anxiously awaiting baby Jones' arrival!

More Belly Pics

39 Weeks- ready for baby Jones!

37 Weeks

36 Weeks

33 Weeks

Barb (25 Weeks) Rikki Miller (27 Weeks)

20 Weeks

19 Weeks
