Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Libby's First Haircut!

She did a great job! It was far past time for Libby to have a real haircut since she's had quite a full head of hair since day 1. We did have her "rat tail" cut off at 4 months, but this was the real deal - getting it wet, holding sections up with clips, sitting in the chair, even getting some product. Of course I took her to Amy, since she has been cutting my hair for 7 years. Mommy and Daddy were there and Libby got to have a ring pop to distract her. Her hair looks beautiful - all even and adorable, and quite a similar cut to her mommy :)

Before - quite long and very uneven!

Before we started - looking a little apprehensive.

Libby sat on mommy's lap and ate her ring pop!

Such a big girl with sooooo much hair - Amy even had to use clips to hold up the top!

Tada! Thank you Amy!

So nice and even!

A nice even bob just like her momma!

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