Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beach with Friends

We had a wonderful weekend at Topsail Beach with the Miller Family- Chris, Rikki, Caden (21/2) and Berkley (1). Berkley and Libby are just 3 weeks apart and all the girls had a blast together! Libby loved the beach again and is getting spoiled by all of these beach trips! She played really hard in the waves with Josh- enough to make me nervous, but she had a big smile on her face the whole time!

Sweet girl- she graduated another level in bow size - I'm thinking the bigger the better when it comes to hair bows!

Popsicle time- Libby loved it, but Berkley really dove in!

Josh had his arms full - handsome Daddy!

Piggies blowing in the wind.

I love this face of Berkley's!

Ready for the beach- day 2!

Getting ready for bed time.

Caden had such a great time at the beach! Her favorite game was throwing shells into the ocean for Ariel ;)

Pink bathing babies!

Libby collects seashells by the seashore... and then tries to eat them!

Showing off her new cover-up!

Meal time was fun with 3 little ones around the table- thank goodness Callie, the Miller's dog, was there to clean up!

Libby is learning to give hugs! She hugs her stuffed animals and this week started hugging friends too. Caden was a wonderful influence and so sweet with the little girls!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beach Baby

Libby is loving the beach! We went to Charleston Memorial Day weekend with the Schoelers and stayed at Wild Dunes. Libby loved every second of her time on the beach! She played in the tidal pools for hours and exhausted herself jumping waves with her Daddy. We are so lucky to have a water baby!

Parents night out- going to dinner with Doug and Tori- what a treat!

Libby enjoying playing in the tidal pool with Josh.

Perfecting her walking skills with her Aunt Callie.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I forgot to mention that... LIBBY'S WALKING!

Our little lady has officially been walking for a few weeks now. We're going with the official day being May 20. She took steps for a long time before then, but on that day she gave up crawling and chose walking as her preferred mode of transportation. Its been a few weeks now and she's a master- she's even going faster and trying out a little run. Its so cute watching our little tiny girl walking around :) Here are a few pics of her movin'!

Clap Clap Clap! I love the sand!

Hmmm.. there's so much to explore now that I can get around so fast..

Here I come.. what next?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Clay's Graduation!

Clay Graduated!!! Libby's Uncle Clay graduated from Baylor University on May 14 with great grades! We all made the trip to Waco, TX to see him walk across the stage and celebrate with him. Cousins Lori, Erin, Shawn and baby Sam also made the trip! Libby did great on the long trip that included 2 flights with a layover and a rental car ride from Austin to Waco, but was worn out when we got home!

Adult night out- celebrating with Clay!

The ladies- Callie, cousin Erin and I had a fun night re-living college days!!

Allen and Callie

The whole gang including Jim and LaNelle.

What is that tassel thing and who is this guy who looks JUST like my Daddy?

A little cranky after 2 hours in the ceremony, but she did great!

Cousin Erin loved her time with Libby!

Another example of those strong Jones genes... geese!

Chief and Cici with Libby at graduation.

Pure Joy- Sam loved his time in the hotel pool!

1-2-3- jump!

Celebratory dinner and Libby got to wear the new dress that her Daddy bought her!
