Monday, October 25, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

We are so lucky to have such great friends with a baby Libby's age! Brett and Stacie Berry had little Everley Lu 2 days before we had Libby- we even had the same room at the hospital! Libby and Everley have become very close- they have been to the pool together, shopping together and most recently to the pumpkin patch. They did wonderfully as we wedged them between pumpkins and put them in beds of baby pumpkins just to get these cute pics!

Everley and Libby wedged in tight- we couldn't get them to smile or look at the camera, but at least no tears!

Libby did quite well "sitting" in her pumpkin recliner!

Brett and Stacie with sweet Everley.

Just the girls!

Josh and Brett with their little ladies!

Family pic- what a fun day!

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