Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 Months Old- September 9, 2010

Today Libby is 2 months old! We finally feel like we're getting the hang of things a little better and we are having so much fun with our sweet girl. Libby is such a sweet baby and is so good!

Some of the fun things she's up to:
- Smiling a lot at us when we smile at her and sometimes on her own :)
- She loves playing on her play mat and is starting to swing at the toys that hang above her
- She loves looking in the mirror at herself and at us
- She has great head control and "sits up" when we hold her in our lap
- She holds herself up on her arms when she's having tummy time
- She is starting to like a passie and is now doing great taking a bottle
- She loves when her Daddy makes her "dance" in the mirror- her favorite song is "Smooth Criminal"

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