Monday, September 27, 2010

Got my toes in the water...

Josh and I decided it was time to take a small family vacation and get out of Charlotte for a little trip. We went to Charleston for the weekend to stay with Beth and Tommy and had a great time! Libby slept the entire way there and did great the whole time. She was a little confused by the breeze at the beach, but soon became just as relaxed as we were. We already can't wait for our beach trips next summer!

Folly Beach - Libby's first steps in the ocean- she loved it, even when a small wave crashed on her legs.

Check out my cute suit and bonnet!

First family beach picture- we were slightly over prepared with the tent, umbrella and tons of gear, but we had a great time and Libby did so well that we can't wait for next summer!
Mommy and Libby relaxing under the umbrella.
Libby found a new friend in Tommy and a perfect seat!
Libby got some snuggle time with beth before we headed to the beach.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meeting Uncle Clay!

Libby was so excited this weekend to finally meet her Uncle Clay. Clay flew back from Texas just to see her, and it was love at first sight- he was such a natural!

Josh introducing his little bro to his little lady. Libby was definitely confused with her Uncle Clay looking so much like her Daddy.
Libby had a fun day at the pool. She mostly napped and hung out inside, but she did get a little time in the sun.
Clay's friend Kayla came over to meet Libby too!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Libby's First Football Season!

Libby is so excited that football season is here, she has so many teams to cheer for- Virginia Tech, NC State, Texas and Baylor! Here she is during her first big football weekend. She's a little embarrassed about VT's performance, but her other teams did great!
VT Libby
Longhorn Libby

Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 Months Old- September 9, 2010

Today Libby is 2 months old! We finally feel like we're getting the hang of things a little better and we are having so much fun with our sweet girl. Libby is such a sweet baby and is so good!

Some of the fun things she's up to:
- Smiling a lot at us when we smile at her and sometimes on her own :)
- She loves playing on her play mat and is starting to swing at the toys that hang above her
- She loves looking in the mirror at herself and at us
- She has great head control and "sits up" when we hold her in our lap
- She holds herself up on her arms when she's having tummy time
- She is starting to like a passie and is now doing great taking a bottle
- She loves when her Daddy makes her "dance" in the mirror- her favorite song is "Smooth Criminal"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Libby looks like her....

Everyone seems to think baby Libby looks like either her Mommy or her Daddy. We think she looks like both of us... although she seems to favor her Mommy a little more in these baby pictures :) I'm giving Josh credit for her mouth, long legs and easy going personality!

Baby Josh...

Baby Barb...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Who's that girl in the mirror?

Libby got a new mirror in her room and loves looking at herself and her family in it! She also had a visit from her Grandma and Grandpa this weekend who got to play with her all weekend!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

So much love!

Libby is such a lucky girl to have so many great friends who love her already! We have had so many wonderful visits from our friends and family. We tried to capture most of our visitors, but didn't get them all, so here is a sampling!
