Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sarah and Andy's Wedding!

What a beautiful wedding Sarah and Andy had in Boulder, CO in early August - congratulations to a wonderful, happy couple!  I loved seeing how happy Sarah was and having time with some special girls!  Here are some pics from the weekend:

Had a great time wtih these pretty girls!
 The Happy couple!
  Delta Delta Delta!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Jones family beach trip!

We were so lucky to have a wonderful weekend with the Jones (and Tucker) family at DeBordieu Beach this year, thanks to the Buters for lending us their beautiful home!  We all had a great time and Libby played her heart out on the beach (and took marathon naps in the afternoon).

 Libby finally warmed up to Uncle Clay - she played cat and mouse with him all weekend!
 So lucky to have an awesome Daddy and 2 great uncles!
 Josh is on the right ;)
 Becca joined us at the beach this year!

 Snuggling with Callie after a long nap!
 Libby is really into digging and playing with her buckets (and we were all into it too)!
 King of the Mountain!
 Lots of Boce Ball!
 Libby's first bikini - I especially like how her diaper hangs out!
 Sweet moment with Allen...
 Finally got a family beach pic!
 Bye Bye Beachy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Libby as a Flower Girl!

I'm a bit late on this post, but trying to catch up!  Libby was lucky enough to be asked to be a flower girl in Josh's cousin Erin's wedding.  The wedding was July 21 in Houston, TX.  The whole family made the trip and Libby surprised us all with how well she did.  She walked down the aisle with her cousin Sam perfectly twice in rehearsal and on the big day!  She was adorable. We even let her come to the reception to dance with her Daddy for a while :)

 The Jones/Tucker clan rehearsal night.
 The precious flower girl in the dress that cousin Lori made for her!
 Proud Daddy with his little girl.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Libby as a 2-year-old

Our little Libby is quite the 2-year-old!  She's sweet and fun and interested in everything. She's active and excited... she's difficult and is already enjoying challenging her parents :)  I frequently remember what our friend Jennifer told me when her daughter was 2, "there's a reason they're so cute when they're 2," - isn't that the truth! 

Libby is enjoying school with her friends. She loves seeing her family and is really into Callie and Allen right now.  Every day she talks about seeing them and playing with them.  Since we have sold our house, we are living in the same neighborhood as Callie and Allen and Libby asks to see them every day.  One day, they spoiled her with mini marsh mellows, and she will never forget - she calls their house the "Marsh Mellow House." 
I'm really impressed with her memory and what she picks up.  Yesterday, we were in the car talking to Bubbie and out of the blue, Libby thanked her for her high heels (that she got as a birthday gift from Bubbie 3 weeks ago).  I love seeing and hearing her make these connections.  This morning she was laying in her crib singing Jingle Bells, which although I love holiday music, we haven't sung in months!
She's definitely into telling us what she wants - she wants to go to the pool, or for a walk. She wants ice cream for breakfast.  She also is enjoying telling Buff what to do and punishing him when he's bad - "no, no, no buffet, no barking, go outside," "buffet, close the door." HILARIOUS!
Libby is still a tiny little one, but is almost exactly the same size I was at 2, but a few inches taller (thanks Jones genes).

Height: 50% 34 inches
Weight: 10% 23.8 lbs
Head: 20%
We had a small party for our her - Elmo themed of course!  She was very spoiled and got a cute new handmade Elmo dress from Bubbie!  Laura made her a fabulous Elmo cake - we were all very impressed!!  We also went to school to have cupcakes with her friends - she definitely knew it was her birthday and that the celebration was all about Libby.  The teachers asked everyone "who's birthday is it," and they all screamed "Libby's!"
