Sunday, July 8, 2012

Little Libby's Birthday Eve

Our sweet Libby turns 2 tomorrow.  Where does the time go?  Libby is a little girl now, no longer a baby, but always my baby girl.  I have always been sentimental, but motherhood has intensified my emotions.  I have cried off and on all day - partly due to the fact that we're moving tomorrow, but mostly, I am sure, because I can't believe how quickly time passes.  (Not sure who planned moving day and birthday the same day, but not a good idea for this momma!)
2 years ago I was resting in my hospital bed with Josh snoring in a chair beside me.  We were a few hours away from starting to push, and about 9 hours away from Libby's arrival - a moment that obviously changed our world. 
Today I am thinking about how lucky we are to have a healthy, energetic, strong, curious, sweet, funny, smart little girl.  She is lively and wild at times, and shy and clingy at others.  She loves her family, playing with her friends, going to school and playing with her toys. She is talking up a storm - there is rarely a time when we don't understand what she's telling us.  She says the funniest things and remembers and repeats things we say... "hot tamale" and "I'm just kidding" are two of her newest phrases. 
Tonight I read to Libby and sang her lullabies, I put her in her crib in her first room for the last time.  As I covered her with her blanket, she looked up at me, smiling from ear to ear - we locked eyes for a few moments and my heart was to the brim.  Then she said "rub my back mommy," and of course I did for her last night in this house - her first house, our first house.  I actually didn't cry (at that moment) because I thought about how having her with us was all that mattered and our new house would soon be our home. 
Feeling so lucky to be Libby's mommy tonight!
