Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LIbby at 22 Months (a.k.a almost 2)

Libby is so much fun right now!  She's loving singing and dancing, coloring, playing lots of games and talking up a storm! We are so impressed with how quickly she is learning and what she absorbs every day.  We love that we now have conversations with her - she can tell us what she wants, what she doesn't want, answers our questions and tells us things she did at school.  Some of them aren't quite true, but its still fun!  She is also really interested in potty - she asks us to pee pee in the potty regularly and does a really good job when we put her on the potty - we just aren't quite ready to go 100% yet!

Some of her favorite things to say right now:
- Momma or Dadda sit down right here
- by bye, see ya
- When you ask how she is she says "I'm fine, or I'm great"
- I love you
- Want to play
- Play outside
- I did it - when she's proud of what she did
- no, no, no (with a pointed finger and serious brow) - I don't love this one :(
- When you ask her where buffet should go for barking too loud, she says "time out"
- Pee pee potty - she's very excited about the potty
- Need hair bow

Favorite Foods:
- bananas, raspberries
- granola bars
- Cheetos
- popcorn
- gummies - either the gummy snacks or gummy bears
- jelly beans or "jelja beans"
- pasta with butter and salt only - still no tomato

Favorite Games:
- hide and seek - she likes to hide with me and have Josh find her and yells "surprise"
- Watching You Tube videos of songs
- Gymnastics - she goes every Saturday and loves it.  She tells us she wants to go and jump on the trampoline.  I asked her what she wanted as a treat for her birthday and she said a trampoline :)
- Playing egg hunt - we hide her eggs and she has to find them and tells us what color they each are
- Play dough is a huge hit
- Bubbles and side walk chalk
- She helps me water the flowers
- She loves to dance and sing. Favorite songs are: ABC, Its Bitsy Spider, BINGO, Wheels on the Bus, Jump up and Down, Little Teapot

Libby hiding in the pantry- Surprise!
Hiding behind the couch from her daddy!
Libby the runner -she's amazingly fast!
One of her favorite new activities - helping water the flowers.

Dancing to You Tube videos! I'm a little teapot...
Do I look like my Momma? :)
Taking a shower - ha!
