Monday, April 30, 2012

Unca Clay! Unca Clay!

Clay and his girlfriend Becca came home over their Easter break and we had a wonderful weekend with them and relaxing with Libby! We had been traveling so much the few weeks before, that Josh and I hung out around the house and spent some good QT with Libby and each other.  We did have some good time with Clay, Becca and the Joneses too!  It was Clay's birthday weekend too, so we celebrated with dinner on Saturday night.  Libby is obsessed with "Unca Clay". She followed him around like his shadow.  If he was inside and she was out, she would pound on the window yelling for him.  The next morning she woke up and asked for him right away.  She has only seen Clay a few times in her life since he lives in Texas, so he was quite a novelty to her and she still sometimes asks for him - its so cute! 

Libby loved hunting for Easter Eggs (actually painted rocks at her school), eating the candy and playing with the prizes.  She got to see her friends at school and loved the game!  She wasn't too fond of the Bunny - she was very scared and clung to me with all her might!  However, she talked about him and how much she liked him for 2 weeks afterwards.  She calls him the "Easter Bunny Rabbit".  Of course, adorable.

The hunt begins!
Chief came to see Libby hunting for eggs.

Fun with Chief!
I think this may be the last time she fits in her basket
Checking out her prizes. She wanted to open every single thing. 
The negotiations began... "just one momma". She knows what I say, but not what I mean!
Dying eggs was so much fun!

Clay's Birthday dinner!
Libby in Lilly  :)

Libby's first sight of her Easter Basket. I was poised and ready for this picture, but had no idea she would love it THIS much!

Our pretty girl.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Passover Dinner

We weren't able to make it home to Richmond for Passover, so we celebrated with a yummy Passover dinner at our house - Libby's plate had friend matzo, hard-boiled egg, applesauce and broccoli. She loved the friend matzo (and so did her momma)!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Over the Bridge and Down the Aisle!

We spent this past weekend in Charleston celebrating Jennifer and Bill's wedding! It was quite the weekend, a beautiful wedding and we had a wonderful time partying like college kids all weekend! On Saturday morning, we all ran or walked the Cooper River Bridge Run - a 10K starting in Mt. Pleasant, crossing over the long (2 mile) bridge and ending in downtown Charleston. Of course the bridge is closed until the race is complete, so we HAD to stay downtown for some fun day drinking :) Congrats Bill and Jennifer!

Picture perfect in Charleston :)

Josh, me, Jennifer and Jeff Parker - This was Jennifer and Jeff's first 10K - and they both ran the entire thing- way to go!
