Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear Libby....

I love you so much, you are too adorable these days doing all sorts of fun new things...

Brushing your teeth

Such a long pony!

Watching cartoons in the morning with the doggies.

Eating your cheerios in your chair.

Drinking milk! That's right, no more bottles!

You eat yogurt before bed at night to fill up your belly :)

We decided Fridays are college gear day at school for you, so you alternate - Longhorns, Hokies and Wolf Pack!

You dance with Momma every night and you love this silly time!

Dressed up in my dress from when I was a little girl!

She's only worn this once, but too cute!

She eats Bananas - entire bananas. Of course they gross me out, but I'm working on my tolerance :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

VT Girls Weekend!

We have been talking about it for years, and this year finally got ourselves organized enough to have a girls weekend and reunion with some VT friends! We spent Labor Day weekend in Wrightsville beach in a precious house! We ate and drank and stayed on the beach until the sun went down- a fabulous weekend and the first of many to come!

The ladies! Beth, Barb, Jill, Callie, Lindsay, Kristen and Amie!

We sat on the beach each night until after the sun went down- what a treat!

Out on the town!

2 Mommies got a real break - sleeping in, not chasing babies on the beach and being a little irresponsible :)

This was supposed to be our pose for Lilly's blog - I'm guessing its not really what their PR team has in mind ;)

Re-creating of this group's picture from 8 years ago - not even sure I have a digital copy of the original!

.... but, here it is!

Treats from Lindsay- champagne, cupcakes and gifts from Lilly :)

Adorable house!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Day of School!

Libby started in the Toddler class the week before Labor Day. She said goodbye to her baby room teachers and walked across the hall to the big girl class. She now has 11 kids in her class and she is the very youngest, as she will always be with her July birthday! She now takes one nap a day at school and sleeps on a MAT! I had a lot of scepticism about how that would go, but so far so good! She is also eating her meals at a little table with her friends and sitting in a chair. I get to see her sitting at the table every morning when I drop her off - its the cutest thing! Of course the other kids are all a little older and are more proficient with their spoons - Libby's bowl of oatmeal or grits usually ends up in her lap.

Mommy and Libby getting ready to leave for school.

Dada bought Libby new school shoes to start the year off right - pink Velcro New Balance!

Here's the official back-to-school picture! I see these happening in front of our door for years to come :)

Libby's On A Boat

I'm a little behind on the updates, so here goes! We celebrated Chief's birthday by taking the boat out on the lake. It was actually pretty chilly, so we couldn't get in the water, but we loved being on the water. It only took Libby a few minutes to get used to her life jacket and then she really enjoyed. She loved the wind in her hair and playing on the steering wheel. She loved seeing all the ducks and now says "quack quack" and claps her hand like a duck talking- adorable!

Taking in the views...

Look at me! Look at me!

I'm driving the boat!

Happy Birthday Chief!
