Monday, December 20, 2010

5 Months- Pigtails, Cereal and Sitting Up!

Libby is 5 months old and into so many new things! Her biggest new accomplishment is that she is getting really good at sitting up by herself. She only does it for a few minutes and then rolls over to her belly or falls forward onto her head! She really is enjoying sitting and playing with toys around her. We also just started feeding her rice cereal which is going pretty well- we're really excited to start feeding her food that actually tastes good soon! In other exciting news, Libby wore pigtails for the first time yesterday- they were precious!

Playing with her spoon and looking quite cute in pigtails!

Deciding if she wants the cereal or not!

I think she liked her hair like this :)

Doing such a great job sitting up! Her floor Nanny pillow is the perfect place to learn- she can fall over and she's protected all around.

Daddy feeding cereal- she looks like she really wanted it.

Her Christmas PJs- she wore them all day Saturday while listening to Christmas music in front of the fire and watching her mommy wrap presents!

All tuckered out after a long play day.

Her official 5 month picture- she was too interested in the paper this time for us to prop up the sign in front of her.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Libby's First Solid Food

Libby tried rice cereal for the first time on Sunday- HILARIOUS! She definitely seemed ready to eat from a spoon and opened her mouth each time we approached her, but made the best faces when the food went into her mouth. She couldn't decide what to think of it! Enjoy the video:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Hanukkah and ACC Championship!

Libby had quite the exciting weekend- she had her grandparents and Aunt in town for the ACC Championship and we got to celebrate her first Hanukkah! She is a very lucky girl to get to celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, just like her Mommy did growing up! The Hokies came home victorious, beating Florida State and are heading to the Orange Bowl in a few weeks!
Our little Hokie before the game- she (and her Mommy and Daddy) chickened out of the game since it was 32 and raining!
Her grandfather and aunt Laura made it though!
Libby's first Hanukkah present- a Jumparoo. She, of course, liked the wrapping paper the best!
... and the box which she tried to eat like everything else!

Libby loved watching the lights although her grandma got a little nervous with the fire around her.
